Gracyn and Addison's daddy contacted me when sweet Gracyn was still in the NICU after her birth. She was born over a month early, due to her mommy having suffered from preeclampsia. This hits home for me as a new mom, because my little sweet was also induced several weeks early for the same issue. Thanks be to God that both our sweet girls are healthy and thriving.
I went to high school with Chris & Destin, so I had seen several pictures that the new mom and dad had posted online, but it was still a shock when I got to their home, and saw exactly how tiny she was. I'm pretty sure they got tired of me repeating myself, "y'all, I mean... she's T.I.N.Y." as if they didn't already know. She was such a precious little ball of baby that I just wanted to curl her up and carry her around in my pocket.
Big sister Addison is also a cutie, with the biggest, prettiest eyes. Her eyelashes are to die for. I also snapped a few of the 4th girl in the house, little Lola, their new puppy. I give kudos to mom and dad, new preemie & new puppy?! Much braver than I am.
Hope you enjoy the sweetness as much as I did....

Addison + Lola
(another little bit that I could take home in my pocket)

is there anything cuter than sweet baby feet?

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