Monday, February 6, 2012

Free Spirited Natural Light Photography |Gracyn + Addison|

This is an exciting post for me, my first blog post for my first Cane Savannah Photography clients... don't mind me as I do a little jig over here in the corner!

Gracyn and Addison's daddy contacted me when sweet Gracyn was still in the NICU after her birth. She was born over a month early, due to her mommy having suffered from preeclampsia. This hits home for me as a new mom, because my little sweet was also induced several weeks early for the same issue. Thanks be to God that both our sweet girls are healthy and thriving.

I went to high school with Chris & Destin, so I had seen several pictures that the new mom and dad had posted online, but it was still a shock when I got to their home, and saw exactly how tiny she was. I'm pretty sure they got tired of me repeating myself, "y'all, I mean... she's T.I.N.Y." as if they didn't already know. She was such a precious little ball of baby that I just wanted to curl her up and carry her around in my pocket.
Big sister Addison is also a cutie, with the biggest, prettiest eyes. Her eyelashes are to die for. I also snapped a few of the 4th girl in the house, little Lola, their new puppy. I give kudos to mom and dad, new preemie & new puppy?! Much braver than I am.

Hope you enjoy the sweetness as much as I did....


Addison + Lola
(another little bit that I could take home in my pocket)

is there anything cuter than sweet baby feet?

well yes, maybe a big sister lovin' on her little sister

look at those pretty eyes! jealous.

And one more of the sisters

What fabulous little girls to get Cane Savannah Photography off the ground and running!!

*all images are property of Cane Savannah Photography

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Dream Called 'Cane Savannah'

Cane Savannah Photography has been a dream in my heart from the time I took my first snapshot when I was knee high to a grasshopper (that's little for those of you who reside outside of Dixie). I just didn't know it at the time. Although my love affair with the camera started years ago, it has grown into a full blown obsession, which has gotten so much worse since my daughter was born last November. Several years ago I made the jump from film to digital, and I haven't looked back. I toyed around with the idea of a start-up photography business for several years, and on a wing and a prayer, a tad bit of insanity (I'd just had my first child), and an itty bit bit of equipment, decided to go for it. I am self-taught, and as a true student I learn something new every time I pick up my camera.

For those interested in a little bit of history Cane Savannah is named after the South Carolina land where my grandmother's family lived for many generations.

When deciding on my focus I realized that although weddings would be fun, my true passion is capturing the fleeting moments of childhood. Children are giggly, they are fun, honest (except maybe when they've drawn on a wall, then they always seem to suffer from amnesia), inspiring, delightful, joyful, inventive, and mischievous. They live life with abandon and open arms. I try to draw my inspiration for my photography from children themselves. I came across a quote by William Stafford, that perfectly sums up what I hope to express through my work...

Children... "they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music."

They aren't jaded, pessimistic, or burdened. They aren't weary or
disenchanted. Each one of them is a bright little light in a world that is sometimes overwhelmingly full of darkness.
I hope to capture that light, that spark that makes children so utterly enchanting. Whether they are wearing frills and bows, or are knee deep in a mud puddle, kids will be kids, and I hope to capture each and every aspect of that expression because it's such a wonderful notion.

This blog will be a place to categorize and write about all the little bright lights that I come in contact with and photograph. Whether it's for myself (be prepared to see a whole lot of Joliet), or for friends, and clients, you can find it all here.

I pray that I do justice to...

the baby bumps- when just for a little while, baby is all mommy's
the first smiles
the giggles
the first 'push ups'
the quiet moments between daddies and their babies
the nurseries that parents work so hard on before baby arrives that signifies how life is changing for the better
the family time
the moments at home with toys strewn all about the house showing that 'children live here, so life is beautiful'
the first birthdays and those sweet little 'smash the cake' moments
the sweethearts wearing their tutus twirling in the grass
the little buckaroos wearing overalls hanging onto daddy's fingers as they take their first steps
the older brother holding his new baby sister, the one he will protect and love for all time
the looks from that baby sister showing that her big brother will always be her hero
the laughter, and joy, and happiness that children own.

These are just some of the moments that I hope to capture for your family as I will for mine.

my own little bit of heaven... Joliet Parker

For Your Information.... Cane Savannah Photography shoots solely with natural light. Meaning there is no flash, or lighting equipment involved. Because of this, when doing indoor portraiture we are subject to the weather, the time of year, and how much natural light is available 'on location'. Adequate natural light is crucial to natural light photography. If it's not available, it doesn't happen, therefore on occasion photo sessions may need to be rescheduled. We ask for and greatly appreciate your understanding. We try to do as little post-processing touch up work to correct lighting problems as possible, and instead try to spend our time in post-processing putting our special touches on the already lovely 'art' that is your family.

Thanks for letting me tell you a little bit about what makes Cane Savannah Photography tick. Can't wait to get started!!
